24 Hour Bike Ride Event Asks Mountain Bike Enthusiasts to Ride for a Cause

On Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st October, Storm Bay Promotions is partnering with TasBC to run a 24 hour mountain bike race where entrants can use the event to fundraise for the local youth social enterprise, the Tasmanian Bike Collective.

This family-friendly event has 6, 12 and 24 hour options, including schools teams, where you can ride solo, in pairs or as a team, with entrants able to fundraise individually or as a team.

Prizes and incentives are available for race results, and anyone who fundraises.

The event, held in Kellevie south-east of Hobart, is the year’s major fundraiser for the Tasmanian Bike Collective.

Program Manager Ant Edler is hopeful for a high turnout, “This is the type of event which appeals to young people, families, and experienced MTB enthusiasts,” he said.

“Similar events in the past have been well loved and enjoyed by many. We get some people dressing up and getting right into it, so it’ll be interesting to see how the fact that this time it happens to be halloween adds to the fun,” he said.

“We are really hoping to get a lot of people along, but also engage non-riders in our programs through the fundraising element. If they can’t ride themselves they can always sponsor a team or individual,” he said.

People can find out more or register at https://www.k24hr.com/

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Give to the Tasmanian Bike Collective

All financial donations support our programs, helping at-risk young people achieve their potential. We are incredibly thankful for any contribution you can make.

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