About our Impact stories

We use open ended questions that delve into our 4 focus areas:

  • Work readiness
  • Increasing social connectedness and social responsibility
  • Building positive mental and physical health
  • Developing positive pathways into adulthood

Below are some of their responses…


Seth became more active, gave more things a go and made new friends.

Read story


Alex learnt important work skills and now thinks differently about things.

Read story


Kain overcame anxiety, returned to school and found work.

Read story


Mason learnt resilience, retail skills and now wants to help others.

Read story

Further Insights and Stats

Young People

The Bike Collective focuses on and encourages long term and in-depth engagement. The below stats shows a picture of participant engagement in a 12-month period at the Risdon Vale Bike Collective:

  • We had 31 regular participants
  • Each averaged over 58 hours of learning, development, mentoring and encouragement
  • Total of 1268 hours of engagement across those 31 participants
  • Of the 31 involved in this time period:
  • 16 of them were in their first year
  • 5 in their 2nd year
  • 4 in both 3rd and 4th years of involvement
  • 2 had been involved for over 5 years

In addition to our regular participants, the RVBC also facilitates:

  • weekly bike rides with a group of 7 to 10 primary school students.
  • servicing and access to tools for local young people to drop in and use on an ad-hoc basis. Anecdotally, our estimate is that anywhere from 4 to 8 young people use this service every week.


The Risdon Vale Bike Collective was supported by over 300 volunteer hours in the same 12-month period. This allows us to maximise our funding, but also provides additional enrichment for young people as they interact and learn from people from a wide range of backgrounds and across a variety of life stages. Our volunteers assisted in the following key ways:

  • Weekly mentoring through workshop activities
  • Board and governance
  • Collection of bike donations
  • Assistance in fundraising and community events

Bike Donations

In that same 12-month period over 350 bikes and numerous parts were donated

Financial and In-kind

Below is an average percentage breakdown of the different contributions received each year

  1. 1. Tasmanian State Government – 60%
  2. 2. Income self-generated through bike sales and hire – 17%
  3. 3. Private Financial Donations – 5%
  4. 4. Volunteer Hours (when allocated a value of $20 per hour) – 7%
  5. 5. Bike Donations (when allocated $20 per bike) – 7%
  6. 6. In-kind Business Support – 4%

In addition to these regular contributions we also received one-off grants to purchase equipment such as our hire bikes, vehicle and a shipping container.

Give to the Tasmanian Bike Collective

All financial donations support our programs, helping at-risk young people achieve their potential. We are incredibly thankful for any contribution you can make.

How to give →Give now →

“I feel safe at the RVBC. If I am getting bullied I like to come here.”

“I am now physically healthier and also more comfortable around all sorts of people.”

“At the workshop I'm calmer. Chance to relax after school.”

“The “Sessions” (rewards) have helped me with saving skills.”

"I can come here and get session and parts and stuff without it costing money. Wouldn’t normally been able to ride my bike for a while."

Volunteer… “During my time I saw firsthand the importance of positive older role models and the effects this has on the lives of young people.”

"[I feel] a lot safer at bikes than school and cause I know everyone we get along better"

"I learnt about resilience when it comes to dealing with people who might come and mouth off or have a bad attitude."

"I want to work on bikes as a job and I now know some of those skills."

"My son didn’t really know anyone in his local community, but now has made lots of new friends, has a hobby which gets him off the playstation and out exercising."

"I fit in more here, with the hands on type stuff and has helped me connect with others who are the same."