Exciting news for the Tasmanian Bike Collective!

The Tasmanian Bike Collective is excited to officially announce their newest program starting at Clarence Plains in May 2022.

The Clarence Plains Bike Collective will work with young people who are struggling at school or home to build work and life skills. Through establishing a bicycle workshop, the Bike Collective creates a safe and supportive environment for young people aged 10 to 18 years.

Guided and encouraged by mentors, students work to restore and repair donated second hand bikes, growing and developing practical skills in bike restoration, repair and maintenance.

Students receive credits for each session they attend, which can be used to purchase bikes which they have restored. Upcycled bikes are also sold to the community, with profits invested back into the program. Through this process students challenge themselves, develop problem solving abilities and build their confidence and resilience. The skills learnt through the program strengthen workplace readiness and future employment opportunities.

The program also has a strong focus on the mental health and wellbeing of students and encourages them to contribute back to their local community.

Initially the program will work with 12 to 15 high school students, then expand and double those numbers in its second year, including older primary students at this point.

Guided and encouraged by mentors, students work to restore and repair donated second hand bikes, growing and developing practical skills in bike restoration, repair and maintenance.

Students receive credits for each session they attend, which can be used to purchase bikes which they have restored. Upcycled bikes are also sold to the community, with profits invested back into the program. Through this process students challenge themselves, develop problem solving abilities and build their confidence and resilience. The skills learnt through the program strengthen workplace readiness and future employment opportunities.

The program also has a strong focus on the mental health and wellbeing of students and encourages them to contribute back to their local community.

Initially the program will work with 12 to 15 high school students, then expand and double those numbers in its second year, including older primary students at this point.

Building on the success of programs in Risdon Vale and the Huon Valley, the Bike Collective will grow and expand on a bicycle program previously run by the Clarence City Council Youth Services in the area.

Funding provided by Presbyterian Care Tasmania, along with partnership with the Clarence City Council, through both their Youth Services and Community Grants will see the program in place for a least 3 years and with strong community support would expect this to continue beyond that time.

Ant Edler, Director of the Tasmanian Bike Collective said:

“At the Bike Collective, we strongly believe that a young person will have the best chance to thrive if they can develop confidence, resilience, reliability, a strong work ethic, and a positive attitude to school, work and life activities.

We are excited to be able to extend this opportunity to young people who may be struggling in the Clarence Plains community.”

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All financial donations support our programs, helping at-risk young people achieve their potential. We are incredibly thankful for any contribution you can make.

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