Catch up with all the latest news from the Tasmanian Bike Collective

Dear Supporters...

We've got heaps to tell you. We'll try to keep this short!

Clarence Plains Bike Collective... Lift-off!

The newest Tasmanian Bike Collective (TasBC) has launched. So far, we have had 16 grade 7 students through the doors to have a taste of what we do, with most choosing to join us for the long haul.

The staff and leadership of Bayview Secondary College have welcomed us and we are grateful for their support.

In May we had a visit from the Hon. Nic Street MP, who performed an official opening. Not satisfied with simply asking him to cut a ribbon, we gave him a chain breaking tool and asked him to split a chain! He assured us he'd never done that before.

You're welcome, Nic...

Nic Street MP breaks the symbolic chain

Mitch and Cruz hard at work

OUR VOLUNTEERS ARE LEGENDS... and we want them to know it!

A couple of weeks back we celebrated our volunteers. We started with a visit to the new Clarence Plains workshop and finished with a gourmet pizza lunch at the Shoreline Hotel.

Without these amazing people, organisations like ours simply could not function. With the contribution that our volunteers make, we can continue our programs, run our events, collect donated bikes, apply for more funding, and more. THANK YOU ALL. Every contribution counts!

Special mention was made of Matt Levis of The Bike Van, who has now volunteered for us, tirelessly and reliably, for more than five years! He has given up his own time to volunteer across many different aspects of what we do, and to be present at our events. Not only are his bike mechanic skills and experience invaluable; he also relates well and shows great care when dealing with and teaching our young people. And who do you think we call on when we need to train up new volunteers?

Way to go, Matt!

There wasn't much left!

A token of our thanks for a slightly embarrassed Matt Levis

Volunteer Profile - Robb Clifton

Robb working with Austin on a well-cared-for ladies' bike

Robb is the only volunteer (so far) who has been to Antarctica on numerous occasions!

Robb commenced assisting us earlier this term at the Risdon Vale workshop on Friday mornings. For the rest of the week he works at the Australian Antarctic Division, making things happen in the background for Australia's Antarctic research and endeavours.

The million dollar question is: WHY does Robb volunteer with TasBC?

In his own words,

"I do it because

  • this program really helps others navigate life...
  • it helps me navigate life by giving me a sense of purpose, a chance to meet new people and learn new practical and social skills...
  • I look forward to my time in the workshop every week...
  • I do wonder at times if I'm getting more out of the Bike Collective than they get out of me!

...I wish I'd become involved sooner!"

I don't think we could've scripted a better answer if we tried.


Every unique story adds so much to what we offer our young people. What's your story? Your gifts and skills are unique - if you've got some time to give, get in touch... you might just be the person we didn't know we needed!



That's a lot of bikes... and a lot of refurb work to be done!

VERTIGO MTB Ex-hire bikes

Vertigo MTB Hire of St Helens/Derby use the outstanding Specialized Stumpjumper as their all-rounder mountain bike for hire. Every couple of years they replace their fleet. They have very kindly offered them to the Tasmanian Bike Collective at a price that allows us to refurbish them and resell them at a competitive price and raise money to fund our programs.

We did this last year as well... we didn't even advertise those bikes and they sold super quick! As a guide, we will be selling this year's bikes for around $3500. That includes all work that needs doing: bearings, linkages, gears, chains, brakes, suspension... good to go.

PLEASE get in touch if you're interested and we can send you a bunch more info including specifications and online product reviews. We'd hate for you to miss out.

2021 Specialized Stumpjumper (before inspection and refurb!)

Great News for Risdon Vale & Huon Valley Collectives!

In the recent state budget announcements, the Tasmanian government announced that it will continue to provide funding support for the Huonville and Risdon Vale workshops for at least the next two years. We are grateful that this government recognises our work and is willing to continue funding our programs.  

This by no means diminishes the work we need to continue to raise our own funds, of course, but it certainly helps take the pressure off.

Special thanks go to a very special volunteer for the many hours she contributed to the arduous task of preparing budget submissions!

See? short and sweet...

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All the best,

Ant, Kev & Anthony.

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Give to the Tasmanian Bike Collective

All financial donations support our programs, helping at-risk young people achieve their potential. We are incredibly thankful for any contribution you can make.

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